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Program Overview

In order to help students gain real-world experiences, every senior participates in our Senior Internship Program. Students spend every Wednesday, starting in October, at their internship location. To help support students, the Guidance Counselors remain in communication with internship site supervisors.

Program Philosophy

This program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to become productive and responsible citizens of the 21st century. The program enables students to extend their learning beyond the school. It offers an opportunity for students to apply their high school knowledge and skills to an independent career exploration in an area of personal interest. Internship hours also qualify for the work-based learning experiences required for the NYS CDOS Commencement Credential.

Program Objectives


Upon completion of the internship program, students will become more:

  • Self-directed, self-reliant, and confident learners,
  • Creative thinkers and problem solvers,
  • Responsible citizens,
  • Effective communicators,
  • Collaborative workers, and
  • Knowledgeable about careers and their own career interests.